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Phillip Claycomb
  1. Phillip is an independent missionary stationed primarily in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Phillip leaves for his first tour on Sunday, January 24, 2010. Phillip will be providing in-home Christian training and pastoral care for the many new Christians (up to 5,000 a month) in Uttar Pradesh. Please pray with us that Phillip's work in this vastly unchurched area of India will be fruitful and that, because of it, many Indians will make Jesus their Lord and Savior.

Trypetus Padmore, Hinds Feet Ministries
  1. Hinds Feet Ministries (HFM) was incorporated in 1998 in Richmond, Virginia, USA as a non-profit organization to foster wholesome Biblically based relationships.

    Realizing that much of our world is healing from wounds of the past, and recognizing the differences and disparity of our world, we offer solutions through evangelism, education and equipping individuals for productive lifestyles and attitudes.

    In prior years activity was on intercessory prayer, neighbourhood Bible studies for children and facilitating church based programs.  Currently we extend our ministry to skills training and education of less fortunate children.

    Liberia is the pilot operation for Hinds Feet.  In Africa's oldest republic, the ministry was incorporated in 2000 to help in national development through the services we provide.  Hundreds have experienced the love of God and lives have been transformed.

    This non-denominational ministry to the poor in spirit, socially disadvantaged and less fortunate is supported by free-will financial donations, gifts-in-kind and prayer.

    Thank you for joining your hearts and hands with us as we continue to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people.

    For additional information or questions please email:

or write

HFM, P.O. Box 9241, Reston, VA  20195
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